From oct 2010 my educational posts are published only on Pip

22 dec. 2010

Pure White

It's easy to see if something white is soiled. When it's white it is clean. It doesn't say much but that it is free from bacteria, dirt and contagion.

White is also asleep. A still soft and embedded sleep for frozen buds. A long wait for spirit and energy to raise again. White is hiding things for later... when it's getting warmer. A white lie.

White clothes and furniture are for the luxury ones - those who have hired people taking care of the household and the kids. Else they are doctors with demands to display their cleanness. The futuristic bacteria free style was seen on the catwalks this spring, but right now the white trend is reflecting the hard upcoming winter. Snow and Ice are the inspirations. No idea to complain. We can't change the weather - or yes we have - but we can't change it right now. Let's just embrace it. The winter is here to stay.

(Chanel fall 2010)

White is untouched. Nobody's been there. (the street outside my door in nearest stockholm suburb)


21 dec. 2010

The wishlist of a 9 year old girl

A mobile phone as she's always using her friends' to call mom with and as it's good to be able to pay for the subway if needed sometime.

Actually any LEGO products, but especially the Harry Potter and City range. Starwars is not on the wishlist but when she got it for her birthday yesterday she immediately spent an hour putting it together.

She's got lots of Top Model products from before, but this was hightly wanted.

Still crush on cuties.

A real dog! Although she is afraid of them...

I guess I have to note that my kids always have access to any games they want, though last year there were premium memberships on Stardoll and Panfu, but not this year.

18 dec. 2010

Girls amaze with the right incitaments

When working with Stardoll I got amazed by the users almost every day. They did the most surprising things, maybe not what you expect 11-year old girls to do. When getting the right incitaments million of young girls get extremely high tech and business minded.

In the beginning there were no ways to get Stardollars but through paying real money. Only a few percentages can convince their parents that it is worth it and millions of girls stood stone-broke. This made them very creative. There was a flood of valuable and great suggestions on how they could earn Stardollars. Mini games was a model they knew from other communities, but they also suggested starting own stores, sell their old stuff, get ads on the site, write styling and gossip blogs, become an in game profession or just to get some money every day for logging in. (This was long before any Facebook games). Very few girls asked to get presents as it is part of the game to choose your purchases to create your own identity.

As soon as they got the feature to sell their old stuff and more, they became the world's best promotors and marketers. They used all forums available to announce their sales, to present themselves, to get friends, to make themselves interesting. They try out different messages and learn the effects. They soon learned how to use gift cards to offer eachother real money in purchases instead of Stardollars only as intended.

When starting local campaigns offering special items to different markets, the girls showed advanced tech skills. They easily found out how to track and use a proxy servers and vpn's to take advantage of all offers. Bloggers scan all local version and report where to find what. Through this work they get lots of readers on their own blogs, lots of pageviews and money through ads.

When offering Stardollars in reward for playing mini games, there were soon girls connecting systems/bots for cheating. Overall we learned that if there was a chance that anyone would be able to do something unintended, they would. Sometime they found out an extremely tricky pattern of logging in and out and clicking different buttons to get blue hair and so on.

This is only positive! They are devoted and engaged and it's extremely important to see how the right incitament can get any girl interested in technique and business. It only tells me that education in schools have not yet understood this.

3 dec. 2010

Eco product development from WWF

Fantastic product development! “Save as WWF, save a tree” is a plug-in enables documents to be disseminated as pdf files that cannot be printed.

No more needed to be said but read about the entire concept on WWF.