From oct 2010 my educational posts are published only on Pip

28 sep. 2010

Old and new in a wonderful mix

I love when you recognize something from the history, take it to our times and the mix goes all new. You get a sense of both history and of future in the same breath.

The first plastic wrap hairstyle is one of Kate Cusack's wigs - a fantastic mix of the strange 1800 century fashion with powdered pompous curls, and today's plastic orgies - both so unnatural. They remind me of how trends change even though we can't see them while we're in the middle of one. It would be weird wearing both the originals and this wig today.

The second is a promo picture for the CuldeSac Crazy Hair Art Workshop and is a fascinating mix of new techniques and an old fashioned almost etno style. It's one potion of russian, one of medival and a big one of future. I guess maybe Catherine the Great would have been proud to wear this overwhelming powerful hairstyle while we today prefer more sublte signs of wealth and power such as manicured nails. These are the times.

24 sep. 2010

Orange är osvenskt

Det är höst. Allt blir orange. Orange är ett hopplöst ord, går inte att böja. Oranget. Orangea. Fult.

Innan 60talet fanns inte orange i Sverige. Då var det brandgult. Och det är ju brandgul naturen blir just nu. Inte orange. Intensiv men inte saftig.

60talets orange var helt ny. Syntetisk. Gräll. Hållbar och inte urtvättad. Unga tjejer på Stardoll köper helst inte orange kläder eller prylar när de ska göra sig fina. Orange är sällan fint på riktigt. Det är provokativt, skrikigt, signalerande, högljutt, men inte på ett tufft sätt, utan nästan desperat. Den stora massan unga tjejer har inte nått dit i sin identitet ännu. Några har, några vill aldrig i hela sitt liv sticka ut, och andra kommer dit senare i livet.

Man är synlig eller flummig i orange - kreativ. Inte så många vill varken sticka ut för mycket eller verka ofokuserade. Det är mycket osvenskt.

Vi svenskar spanar mot mer naturinspirerad jugend för att känna oss trygga med den gamla hederliga brandgula färgen. Allemansrätt är ett begrepp vi värnar om. Och apelsinerna måste ju fraktas så långt. Vi tänker på miljön och slår ett slag för det brandgula.

Giles fall 2010

Erdem fall 2010

om lila
om rosa
om blått
om grönt och gult

om sverige ur någon annans ögon
om när jag känner mig svensk

22 sep. 2010

Prezi still for early adopters

Now when I've run my presentation at Disruptive Code I can ventilate my thoughts from the hours I've spent with the Prezi tool.

You find and work with this web based tool online on since 1,5 years now. For me who is a really lousy Power Pointer, and who is working on a PC and therefore can't access Keynote, this Prezi tool was a fun option. The presentations look different, more narrative, less bullits, and more fun. Suits me.

You more or less through all the information you've got on one big sheet, more like a mind map, and then place them in the order you want to display them. The effect is as if a camera is screening from one info piece to the next. Makes you kind of sea sick, but is visually different from the power point view which offers an entirely different experience. I'm not completely convinced that it's better, but I had to try it out.

The thing that striked me the most when working with the tool is how poor it is though. There is no functionality, no options. The least you could ask for to not get dizzy yourself is 'align', different fonts or send to the very back/front, or at least 50 templates, or even better - any template shared by any user. It took me a second to learn how to build a presentation, it took me hours to create it.

Then I remembered - I'm still an early adopter, spreading the word, making the hype. The feature is visually fun, it's innovative, surprising, and for free. They can afford to release it with small bugs, and shortages. I can't upload 10 4 kb illustrations without the pres being too big, and yet I will try the tool out for the effect and alternative.

And then they can add and add and add the features that the users ask for, one by one, and live on this for a long time. If they put in all the functionality that Power Point offers, they have a chance to be the best tool for some time... until something new arrives. Then they will have to do some innovations again.

Geoffrey A.Moore 1991 - Crossing the Chasm - from early adopters to slaggers.

In fashion I go for version 1, in tech for version 2